Monday, February 8, 2010

Professional Photographer Digital Photo Frame Why Won't My Photographer Give Me All My Photos In Digital Format?

Why won't my photographer give me all my photos in digital format? - professional photographer digital photo frame

I recently took photos of the wedding and not knowing how other professional photographers who work here, so is my situation.

I choose multiple photos in different sizes of paper, and when I see on my TV, I have a DVD slideshow, but I really want a digital version, because in those days as comfortable and fun to put on your desktop PC, digital picture frames, telephones, etc.
We give 600 million in the photographs on paper, because we have received some impressions of two large 20x30 .. But we also want our family members who could not attend, the photos you want, but not because the photographer makes available on its website available online vote for the whole family to see. And they could, but she had put a watermark, it does not bother me, but the lady said, her pix in the SIS can not 81 do. We pay to do so!

So did my question to you, the professional photos, you know, if the photoGraph output digital versions of photographs or if they refuse, because it as your property and therefore protected by copyright?

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