Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Golden Anniversary Gifts Do You Bring A Gift To A Golden Anniversary Party (50 Yr Wedding Anniversary)?

Do you bring a gift to a Golden Anniversary party (50 yr wedding anniversary)? - golden anniversary gifts

If so, how it would be appropriate?


ihavetha... said...

I agree it's a bit difficult to buy a birthday gift of gold. First, it is expensive knick believe gold - and gold donations, how much they really? Secondly, what you can for someone to buy for so long been married - have everything they need now, legislation has to be? Third, a gift of money is sitting in bad taste?

Is there a family member or close friend in conjunction with a partner who might wonder if there is something that the couple have?

A voucher for a transaction might be useful. I've always thought that the Crown has an elegant gift (Ebay a few beauties would be). Another good side, the beautiful floral arrangements Silk is http://www.Petals.com offers.

Good luck and have fun!

karmakra... said...

I always found that a pix frame w / silver, which Anniv. Perhaps Ingrave

wetdream... said...

It is better than ... After some thought, do not panic, it probably will not remember it, anyway!
Just kidding, yes, the height, so that the gift should reflect a degree of stability and performance. A suitable gift for both, as a tablet or a matching piece of jewelry should Niceley work!

Assaf K said...

An excellent gift idea for a personal and unique paintings from a single photo you send.

Visit this site: www.paintyourlife.com

Prices are reasonable and the result is amazing.

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